Artificial Grass Installation

In the quest to enhance the beauty of your terrace, roof, or exhibition space, artificial grass patches have emerged as a popular choice. For those seeking top-notch artificial grass installation services, look no further than WESCO Gardens. Renowned for our expertise in garden landscaping and fittings, we take pride in offering premium artificial grass solutions that elevate any space with unparalleled aesthetic appeal.

Our artificial grass installation service is designed to provide maximum benefits to our customers. With WESCO Gardens, you can rest assured that you're investing in quality that lasts. Our high-quality artificial grass requires minimal maintenance, saving you both time and money in the long run. Say goodbye to the hassle of regular watering, mowing, and fertilizing, and hello to a lush, green landscape that remains pristine all year round.

Nothing quite matches the beauty of a sprawling green expanse, and our artificial grass services bring that beauty to life. Whether you're looking to transform your rooftop into a vibrant oasis or create a welcoming atmosphere in your exhibition space, WESCO Gardens has you covered. Our artificial grass is meticulously crafted to mimic the appearance of natural grass, ensuring a seamless blend with any environment.

Why Wesco Gardens Is Best Landscaping Company In Dubai?

  • Creative Designs

    We provide Innovative designs that transform spaces beautifully.

  • Affordable Pricing

    We provide cost effective solutions without compromising on quality.

  • Premium Quality

    We prioritize quality craftmanship to ensure perfection and durability.

  • Sustainability

    Committed to eco-conscious solutions for a greener tomorrow.


What are the benefits of choosing artificial grass installation for my residential space?

Artificial grass offers numerous benefits, including low maintenance, durability, and year-round greenery without the need for watering or mowing. It also provides a lush and inviting landscape that enhances the beauty of your home.

Can artificial grass be installed on various surfaces in residential properties?

Yes, artificial grass can be installed on a variety of surfaces, including rooftops, terraces, balconies, and gardens. Our installation experts at WESCO Gardens ensure a seamless and professional installation process tailored to your specific space.

How long does the artificial grass installation process take for residential customers?

The duration of the installation process depends on the size and complexity of the project. Our team works efficiently to complete installations in a timely manner while ensuring the highest quality craftsmanship.

Is artificial grass safe for children and pets in residential settings?

Yes, our artificial grass is designed to be safe for children and pets. It is non-toxic and free from harmful chemicals, providing a comfortable and enjoyable outdoor environment for your family and furry friends.

What maintenance is required for artificial grass in residential spaces?

Artificial grass requires minimal maintenance compared to natural grass. Occasional brushing to remove debris and rinsing with water to clean any stains or spills are typically all that's needed to keep your artificial lawn looking pristine.